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Formerly known as One for All Yoga and set in the heart of Bournemouth, our studio has a light, airy feel and welcoming atmosphere.

We hope to provide a space where you feel accepted and rewarded each time you arrive on your mat.

Full & New Moon Rituals

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The full moon is the peak of the 28-day lunar cycle.  It brings a very powerful lunar energy.  This can be a really good time to release emotions, manifest something new or simply set aside time to get in touch with yourself.  While full moons are a time of completion and materialisation, new moons are all about setting intentions to build up to the full moon.  How to do it?  Here are a few ways to harness the powerful energies of the full and new moons.

Full Moon rituals

The full moon gives power to letting go and completion.  It’s a time to let go of what’s holding you back, to let go of problems, worries and unwanted behaviours so you can heal and move forward without these things holding you back.  So how can you embrace full moon rituals?

Full Moon Release

Turn off all your electronic devices and take a few deep breaths.  Light a candle to enhance intuition.  Identify the things that have been weighing you down such as thoughts, situations, behaviours, emotions, pain.  Visualise how much better your life would be if you made a change.  Speak your intention for letting go aloud to the full moon.

Full Moon Bath

This is the perfect way to quite literally soak in the power of the full moon.  You can run yourself a simple bath and make some homemade sugar and salt scrubs infused with ingredients ‘associated’ with the moon (lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus, for example).  Scrub off the negativity and soak in the positivity while you relax and unwind.  You can also offer some intentions and blessings to yourself as you watch the bath water drain away.

New Moon Rituals

It’s no surprise that the new moon is also called the dark moon – it’s quite literally the absence of light.  It’s a time for new beginnings, new relationships and new endeavours.  It’s the best time to start something new.

Intention Setting

Write your name on a piece of paper and one word to describe your current emotional state.  Underneath, do 5-10 minutes of journaling about what is present in your life.  On another sheet of paper take 5-10 minutes to write out some intentions.  Read each of your intentions out loud to the moon before closing with a short meditation.

Crystal Meditation

Rinse your crystal (or other symbolic object) under warm water to remove any old or negative energies.  Gently pat your crystal dry and hold it at your heart centre.  Set your intention for the new moon.  Place the crystal in a pouch to carry around with you or place it somewhere you will see it often.  Over the next couple of weeks, meditate with this crystal near you.  Visualise the crystal carrying the energy of your intention and the patience to see it through.
