The Committed Yogi

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If you want to delve deeper into the complex practice of Yoga, making the effort to show up on your mat makes all the difference between truly grasping that inner Yogi and getting lost in life’s distractions.  

Here are a few of our tips to become “more committed” to your practice:

Learn the Lingo

You know the old saying, “talk the talk, walk the walk”? When it comes to practising Yoga, a familiarity with some of the more common Sanskrit names of the postures is a way of honouring what has gone before us in the way of Yoga teaching and practice.  Sanskrit pronunciation is very particular with every sound and syllable being represented by a different letter or symbol.  For example, there are five different symbols for the different ways to pronounce the letters ‘t’ and ‘d’ – it’s all about where you press your tongue in your mouth!  These different sounds supposedly come from nature itself – said to have been revealed to meditating sages thousands of years ago.  Surya Namaskar, anyone?

Live by Example

If you believe Yogis are people that live a certain lifestyle and exude certain qualities – ask yourself which of those qualities you are most inspired by?  In the Indian tradition, a Yogi lives their life as an example for others to follow and to find inspiration through.  So who qualifies?  A Yogi can be anyone who embodies qualities that reflect universal moral beliefs.

Be the Change

Many people consider non-violence to be the absence of physical violence – but it’s so much more than that.  Violence is a form of self-destruction (the Indian Yogi, Gandhi taught “an eye for an eye” would make the whole world blind) and also a sign of weakness, as it takes a lot more strength and conviction to be kind.  It’s not just about not causing suffering – it’s about using your heart, using your intuition, and using your intelligence to reduce conflict.  It’s about dedicating yourself to spiritual activism – seeking the truth and being a warrior for peace!

Eat, Sleep & Breathe Yoga

The lifestyle of a Yogi typically changes, fluctuates, deepens and develops over time. Naturally there will be some growing pains (and maybe some physical pain when you start waking up those underused muscles) – but the benefits are ongoing and cumulative both on and off the mat.  You’ll be surprised how the tools and techniques you develop for mastering control of your body, breath, thoughts, words and actions will come together whichever aspects of Yoga choose to explore.  Whether you’re deepening your stretch, deepening your breath, or deepening your mind – you will inevitably integrate more Yoga into your daily life through regular practise! 

Whether you’re on the mat every day at 6am or a couple of times a week after work or on the weekend, practising Yoga requires some level of discipline. Whatever your lifestyle, whatever good intentions you have, we all need a little bit of motivation sometimes to get things going as we create a new habit.  For that reason we have introduced a new range of membership options – the best value of these being the Unlimited Yoga Membership with Commited Practice Discount.  The more you practise the cheaper it is (less than a fiver if you practise five times a week) so you don’t have to think about if you should come to class – the answer is always yes.  With an initial investment of just £60, you get £10 off your fortnightly payments for the lifetime of your membership.

To purchase the Committed Practice Membership and for other membership options (including once/twice a week) go to



Welcome to our beautiful yoga studio. Whatever your age, experience or ability we’d love to welcome you to our friendly community. – L&J

Formerly known as One for All Yoga and set in the heart of Bournemouth, our studio has a light, airy feel and welcoming atmosphere.

We hope to provide a space where you feel accepted and rewarded each time you arrive on your mat.

Beautiful woman in Exalted Warrior pose